When 2020 became 2021
A year felt lost, another hardly yet begun.
Disappointments, stay home and don't you dare moan -
There are others worse off, "Keep Calm and Carry On"!
But for you the hours blur within each week,
Each month seeming harder, your anxiety peaks.
It's hard to stay positive, you try your very best
To focus on what you can control, no more and no less.
Everywhere you turn the doom seems to follow,
Your efforts to swim, falter, weighed down by an invisible hollow.
Now hope's on the horizon, but a route back to life
Seems to make you feel worse, like there's no end in sight.
Though everyone is struggling, don't you give in -
You deserve help and support to find your own strength within.
Don't stay silent. Reach out.

Text SHOUT to 85258 24/7 for crisis support
or call
Samaritans – 116 123
Mind – 0300 123 3393
Beat (eating disorders) – 0845 634 1414
Anxiety UK – 08444 775 774
No Panic – 0844 967 4848
SANE – 0845 767 8000
OCD ACTION – 0845 390 6232
Rethink Mental Illness – 0300 5000 927