Welcome to my blog! It has taken me months to work up the courage to create it and now finally start posting! I hope you like the design and find the format bearable!
Enough exclamation marks, I promise no more in this post at least... Apologies for the rambling, I am very nervous to say the least in starting to journal in this way but I am looking forward to having an outlet to my thoughts (numerous), opinions and observations (plentiful) and, as part of my journey in starting a course in Positive Psychology, my inspirations (growing daily).
I am blessed with the trio of Generalised Anxiety Disorder , Major Depressive Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (not the obvious kind) which have felled me more times than I can count, despite me being deemed 'a high functioning case'. The time has come for me to draw on my strengths of Critical Thinking, Social Intelligence and Honesty that facing these challenges has developed and start to craft my own direction in life.
As I start to finally see the woods as well as the trees, I am driven to try and help others to do the same - starting difficult conversations, looking after ourselves, accepting limitations if needed, making the most of our strengths and most of all never giving up (thanks Winston) .
If anything I write resonates with you, please do like my posts or get in touch privately if you prefer. This blog was inspired by friends letting me know my unflinching honesty about bad days as well as good on social media was somewhat of a tonic. However, I imagine that sometimes the things I will bring up may be sensitive, we all have our own triggers and buttons which is why I think this journal may a better way of providing thinking space for both both me and any readers .
I pledge that this blog will be about my triggers, buttons etc. but from both sides - the necessary negative and the powerful positive.
